Week ending 16/9/2022
We have finished work on our first text of the year, "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers.
We thought about what we wanted to know about our amazing world. As always, some fabulous questions. The book encourages us to take care of ourselves, our family and friends and our environment. The children reflected on how they are or could demonstrate kindness in our world.
Today we have been working on some art which will be on display next Friday at the end of our Visions week.
At the beginning of a school year, time is spent recapping our knowledge of counting and place value. This week the children have been practising their number formations; often 2,3,5 and 7 are written the wrong way around. Year 2 have been reminded how we represent numbers up to 20 using Base 10 equipment. Activities have been inside and out. Base 10 resources are my most favourite maths manipulative and help support addition and subtraction, especially, throughout KS1 and KS2.