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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Autumn 1

English- Leaf Man:

We loved making our own Leaf Man ( or Girl). We planned a new journey for Leaf Man (or Girl). 1/2B now have a while class book which I'm so proud of. The children are loving looking at their published work.

Science: Autumn

Our "Signs of Autumn" table has grown throughout the half term. We have observed lots of different leaf colour changes, conkers and their casings, acorns, sycamore seeds and more besides. Thank you children. You are developing into observant scientists. We enjoyed collecting leaves to make pictures of Autumn animals. We have to finish our weather chart for October now. It has been surprisingly warm and sunny at 9.00am


We finished our first half term learning about the Gunpowder Plot. The children looked at drawings and paintings from the time, to work out how people may have lived and to try to understand what and why it happened. The highlight was reenacting the plotters' journey to the cellars or the Houses of Parliament. Miss Luckett played a very good sleeping guard! Many tried to escape back through the tunnel; I think KS2 were given a bit of a wqke up call! We were a little loud!

RE: Understanding Christianity - The Creation Story

Who made the World?

We have recognised that the Creation Story is the beginning of the Big Story of the Bible.

Through drama, art and talk we have considered how amazing our world is, wrote a class prayer to say thank you to God for the Creation and thought about how we can care for our environment.

Week 1: It's been a super week of learning new routines, exploring the KS1 areas and making friendships. We have been reading and immersing  ourselves in our book " In Our Hands". Lots of talk and discussion, exploring characters' feelings, careful observation using our view finders and enjoying the illustrations.
