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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week ending 24.3.2023


The children have been working hard this week putting together an information text about penguins.

They have completed three sub-headings on habitat, appearance and diet. Next week they will put is all together as a poster with an extra sub-heading of " Did you know....?" plus lots of informative diagrams. We look forward to sharing the results with you.



Finishing our science topic of " Animals including humans", we looked at the importance of exercise in our daily lives. Our Year 5/6 Well-Being Ambassadors spoke in Collective Worship of the importance of aiming for 1 hour of physical exercise a day. In class, we felt for our heart beat. We discussed how we could increase our heartbeat and the flow of blood around our body. We tried different activities for 30 seconds to find those activities that increased our heartbeat the most. A great lesson.


Continuing with the Easter Story, we discussed which parts of the story were sad and which were happy. From this we thought about colours that may represent emotions of happiness and sadness.

We used pastels to create crosses showing these emotions.


This week:

a) Multiplication and division.

b) Learning our 2 and 10 times.

c) Odd and even numbers.
