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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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EYFS Staff

Reception 1 and Nursery Class Teacher, Early Years Leader - Mrs Cooper

Reception 2 Class Teacher - Mrs Wollaston


Senior Early Years Educator , Nursery Key Person - Mrs Saunders

EYFS Teaching Assistant, Lunch time staff (EYFS) - Mrs Arrora

EYFS Teaching Assistant, Speech and Language assistant, Mrs Kalsi

EYFS Teaching Assistant, Lunch time staff (EYFS) - Miss Gilbert

EYFS Teaching Assistant - Miss Rowley

Allergy Advice

This year we children with dairy allergies  with us.

Please do not be offended if we support your child to get changed due to spillages of food or if we ask your child to change on arrival at the start of their day or session with us. 

For this reason  a full change of clothes must always left on your child's peg and remain in school. (this does not have to be school uniform)

No Nuts

We continue to be a 'no nut environment' If you require advice on things to put in lunch boxes please feel free to speak to a member of the EYFS team.


Celebrating Birthdays

We know that children in EYFS love to celebrate their birthdays and some families would like to send in treats for the children. We kindly ask that these these are healthy items such as fruit rather than sweets or chocolate. Please note that there is no obligation for anyone to bring in anything on their birthday.

Early Reading and Phonics Meeting - Reception Parents and Nursery Parents

An introduction to how we teach phonics and early reading at St Paul's will be held on Tuesday 17th September at 9.15 am in the school hall. The meeting will last approximately 1 hour.


This meeting is an important meeting for all Reception parents to attend


Our Termly Learning
