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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Summer 2

SUBLIME Science Workshop - the PTA kindly funded a workshop for each of the 5/6 classes. As you can see from the pictures, the children were completely amazed and entertained by the science being demonstrated.

Dinosaur Day - whilst the Year 6s were at the boat centre, the Year 5s enjoyed a dinosaur themed day. The children learnt about dinosaurs, made their own fossils and went ona dinosaur hunt.


On Friday, St Paul’s had the honour of hosting Warwickshire’s Day of the African Child, commemorating those who died in 1976 protesting for their right to education and celebrating our friendship link with a number of schools in Sierra Leone, ours being Charles Lwanga School in Bo. It was a wonderful day of workshops, music and fun, with a serious message and many visitors - including Matt Western! 
