Welcome to 1A
Teacher: Mrs Jefferies
Teaching Assistants: Miss Young
Spring 1
PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday
Tuesday will be Football and Friday will be Gymnastics.
Children can come into school in their PE kit.
Forest School
Group 1 will start Forest School on Wednesday 8th January until the 2nd April. You will have received an email with more information regarding what your child will need to wear and bring to school.
Group 2 will be doing cooking in DT and you will receive a letter with further information in January. The groups will then swap over in the Summer term.
Allergy Advice
This year we have a child with a severe dairy allergy causing anaphylaxis in Key Stage 1.
Please do not be offended if we ask your child to get changed due to spillages of food during the day or if we ask your child to change on arrival at the start of their day.
For this reason a full change of clothes must always left on your child's peg and remain in school. (this does not have to be school uniform)
Book Bags:
In 1A and 1/2B, book bags will go on home on Thursdays to be returned on Tuesdays.
Your child will bring home three books. One is a phonics Big Cat Collins book (see image below) for your child to read to you. Your child has read this book three times with adult support during the week. The purpose of bringing it home is to increase their fluency. Rereading is a proven way to increase their confidence in applying their phonic knowledge.
The other books have words your child may not be able to read yet. It is for you to share and talk about together, however as your child grows in confidence, they will want to attempt to read all the books.