Week 5
We have been immersed in the narrative poem Night of the Gargoyles by Eve Bunting in our English sessions over the past couple of weeks and on Friday we finished writing up our own poem based on the original. Your children have really enjoyed their work and are extremely proud of their writing outcomes. As is their teacher !
Over the coming week, we will be performing our poetry against a background of eerie music.
We hope you enjoy the poems during your visit to the KS2 corridor and our classrooms during parents evening next week.
Writing for a purpose - displaying work for an audience - our narrative poetry...
During Science we answered the key question: Does the sun move across the sky? We watched a piece of time lapse photography that made it look like the answer would be yes. Then we investigated further and wrote up our results.
Does the sun move across the sky?
During our art sessions this week, we focussed on recreating our skin tone work from the week before to paint our self portraits. Some of us had time to paint another self portrait after being inspired by famous self portrait artists and what they painted in the background of their works.
Experimenting with skin tones...