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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Class 3/4B

Curriculum Overview Summer 2 - 2024


Welcome to 3/4B

Summer 2 -2024


Mr Broad:

Mr Challis - Class TA/One to one support

Miss Mancini / Mrs Lord - phase TAs


Please note, all absences from school should be recorded with the school office:


Collective Worship Leader - Harry 

School Council Representative - Lucas 



Welcome back!

Summer 1 starts for the children on Monday 3rd June 2024.  We hope you have had a lovely Half Term break and that your children are looking forward to returning to school. 


Reading will take place daily with each individual child reading with a member of staff weekly.

All children's reading levels have been assessed. If you require any further information regarding this, please see the class teachers.


Please remember It is really important that children read daily as reading is the foundations to all learning! Please make sure to read with your child at least once per week. 





Tuesday in school - with Mr Broad(PE kits to be worn)


Wednesdays -  Swimming at Newbold Common Swimming Pool. Pupils can meet either at the pool or at school. If you are meeting at school please be at school for 8:35 so we can walk down to the pool.  



Please check here for PE days every half term as they will change. On PE days, children can come to school in their PE kit. Please see the Uniform Policy for expectations.





Recommended reads - how many will you enjoy?
