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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Class 5/6B

Welcome to 5/6B   


Mrs Leng


Mrs Wells - Monday and Tuesday
Mrs Bound - Thursday and Friday a.m.


Welcome to the amazing 5/6B's web page. 


This will be a place where you can see all the exciting learning we have been doing each week. 


PE Days:
Come to school dressed in a school PE kit 

Thursday - Swimming

Friday - Athletics



Spellings - spelling will be taught in school weekly.

A selection of spelling words will be sent home on a Monday in your child's spelling journal. Please ensure your child writes an engaging, well-punctuated sentence for each word. To be returned to school by Friday. These spelling words will also be available to practise on Spelling Shed. 


Maths - children will be assigned 3 weekly tasks linked to their learning in school. Tasks will be set on a WEDNESDAY and there will be an expectation that they are completed by the following Wednesday. 


Times Tables Rockstars - encourage children to login and regularly practise their times tables.

Reading - encourage children to read daily.


Please feel free to contact us via the email addresses above where we will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.



  • Wednesday 21st June - EYFS Father’s Day Breakfast
  • Friday 23rd June - Reports out to Parents/Carers Friday 23rd June—Years 5/6 visit to Coventry Cathedral
  • Monday 26th June - 3/4 visit to the Ashmolean Museum Monday 26th June - Class Lists to Parents/Carers
  • Wednesday 28th June - EYFS Taster Session
  • Thursday 29th June - Opening Evening - 5.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 5th July - Transition Day
  • Thursday 6th July - Years 1/2 visit to Warwick Castle Tuesday 11th July - Year 6 Production at 1.30pm
  • Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Production at 5.30pm
  • Friday 14th July - Year 6 Trip to Leamington Boat Centre
  • Friday 14th July - PTA Summer Fair
  • Thursday 20th July - Year 6 Leaver’s Service at St Paul’s Church
  • Friday 21st July - Last day of term


SUMMER: This Term We Will be Studying 



Our texts this term will be: 

Shackleton's Journey



We will be following the White Rose scheme for maths 

Topics covered in the Spring Term will be: 
 Measurement: Area, Shape and interpreting line graphs and tables



Summer 1 -  Living Things and their Habitats 



Summer  1 - What do religions say to us when life gets hard? 



Summer 1 - Swimming and Athletics  


Geography: (Summer 1) 

Raging Rivers

DT: (Summer 1) 



Many congratulations to this half term's trophy winners...

Reading - Ruben
Writing - Sabinah
Maths - Max


Well done and thank you for all your hard work - keep it up!

Summer 1 Overview

Summer 2 Timetable
