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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week ending 20.01.23


This week we started writing diaries to describe the snail and the whale's journey across the world. We used word mats and adjectives to bring our writing to life!

PE, Geography & DT

We have been enjoying doing gymnastics and adding to our sequences. This week our sequence contained a starting position, a jump and a finishing position.


In Geography, we learnt that Australia is the world’s sixth largest country and is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons are opposite to the UK. Koalas, kangaroos, kookaburras, emus and platypuses are all common wildlife. We then found out that the indigenous people created dot paintings as they didn’t have a written language. For our activity, we used the end of a paintbrush to create dots around the animal.


In D&T we created a wheel mechanism using wheel templates and split pins. The wheel could be turned at the back to make it look like the butterflies were flying through the air from one bunch of flowers to the next!


We shared pictures of our pets and discussed what they look like and how they were born. We then sorted the animal cards into ‘animals that lay eggs’ and ‘animals that give birth to live young’.

We learnt the names and properties of 2D shapes. For our activity, we sorted the concrete 2D shapes and pictures of real life objects into the correct categories. For example, a picture showing a slice of pizza would be placed into the hoop with all the triangle shapes. The following day we created patterns using both 2D and 3D shapes.
