Week ending 30/9/2022
This week we started writing sentences using sentence strips. We focused on sounding out, using finger spaces and full stops. We wrote sentences to retell the story 'Traction Man' using the story map. Furthermore, we described the picture by using the sentence starter, 'I can see...'. We carried out a whole class discussion and added speech to the story to bring the characters to life. This was used to scaffold our role-play at the end of the week.
This week, we recapped finding one more than a number through practical activities and counting backwards within 10. We found one less than a number by building a tower of bricks and taking one off at a time. Furthermore, we used the magnetic numbers to find one less and put one less cubes into the plates with the number cards. We applied our knowledge of finding one less by crossing out a picture of one object and counting what's left over. We compared groups of objects by drawing objects to show one to one correspondence.