Week 6
Friday 14th October
Another busy week and another week closer to a half term break for all of us. Thank you to all of the parents who took the time to come to Parents' Evening this week. It was great to see so many of you and to share your children's achievements so far in Year 4 with you. I have truly been delighted with how well they have settled into the class and have already become a good team, often successfully working together in a variety of lessons. If you were unable to come and would still like to talk to me about your child's progress please either email me (lee.j2@welearn365.com) or approach me in the playground.
In Maths this week, we began measuring the area of shapes. In English we continued reading Michael Morpurgo's "The fox and the ghost king" and began to plan our own stories in a familiar setting. We will work up to writing those next week. In History we continued our work on Monarchy post 1066 by looking at Edward I and his attempts to invade both Wales and Scotland. In Science we continued our Light topic by completing an investigation on shadows and in RE we studied what it is like to be a Hindu in Britain today.
Thank you so much for your support in completing homework tasks. The children have been very enthused to practice their times tables this week as we currently have a battle with 3A to see who can score the most points.
Our certificate winner this week is Florence who demonstrated the Values of Kindness and Thoughtfulness by thinking of the needs of her friends and supporting them accordingly. Well done Florence!