Welcome to 5/6B
Autumn 1 2024
Mrs Lee : lee.j2@welearn365.com
Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Wells (Mon/Tues), Mrs Bound (Weds/Thurs), Mrs Seymour (Mon-Thurs), Miss Curran (Fri)
PE DAYS: Come to school dressed in PE kit
Wednesday- Tag Rugby with Mr Barnes
Thursday - Dance with Mrs Lee (starting Thurs 12th September)
This week only we will have PE on Wednesday (4th September) and Friday (6th September).
Home Learning:
Spellings - spelling will be taught in school weekly. Ten spelling words will be sent home on a Monday in your child's spelling journal. Please ensure your child writes an engaging, well-punctuated sentence for 5 of the words. The spelling journal is to be returned to school by the following Thursday. Children will be tested on all 10 spellings on the Friday.
Reading - encourage children to read daily.
Mathletics – three tasks will be set on a Wednesday based on the previous week’s learning. Tasks to be completed by the following Tuesday.
Times Tables Rockstars - encourage children to login and regularly practise their times tables.
Dates for the Diary
2nd Sept: Teacher Training Day
Tues 3rd Sept: First Day back
W/C 16th Sept: St Paul’s Vision Week, Parents see work on Fri 20th Sept at 3:30pm
Thursday 19th September: Maths and English workshop
KS1 (years 1 and 2) – 9am – 10:15am
KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5, and6) 2pm – 3:10pm
Fri 27th Sept: McMillian Coffee Afternoon
Thurs 3rd Oct: Flu Immunisations (Rec – Yr6)
Mon 21st Oct: Individual School Photos
Parents’ Evening:
Wednesday 23rd October
Thursday 24th October
Thursday 24th October: Church Harvest Festival
25th October: Teacher Training Day
HALF TERM – 28th Oct – 1st Nov