Class 5/6A
Welcome to 5/6A
Summer 2
Mrs Williams:
Mrs Crow:
Mrs Wellicome & Mrs Shepherd
Welcome back!
Hope you have all had an enjoyable holiday!
Scroll down the page to see an overview of what we will be learning in Summer 2.
Thursday- SWIMMING (8:30am at school or 8:45am at Newbold Swimming Pool)
Friday- PE
Spellings - spelling will be taught in school weekly.
A selection of spelling words will be sent home on a Monday in your child's spelling journal. Please ensure your child writes an engaging, well-punctuated sentence for each word. To be returned to school by Friday. These spelling words will also be available to practise on Spelling Shed.
Maths - children will be assigned 3 weekly tasks linked to their learning in school. Tasks will be set on a WEDNESDAY and there will be an expectation that they are completed by the following Wednesday.
Times Tables Rockstars - encourage children to login and regularly practise their times tables.
Reading - encourage children to read daily.
Please feel free to contact us via the email addresses above where we will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.
Summer 1 Trophies
Class Values Awards:
Congratulations to Maximo on receiving our Values Award this week for his superb work ethic! Keep up the great work, Maximo!
- Friday 16th June: (AM) KS2 Sports Day
- Friday 16th June: Day of the African Child
- Week Commencing Monday 19th June - SCIENCE week
- Friday 23rd June: Reports given out
- Monday 26th June : Class lists for next academic year.
- Monday 26th June: Move On event at St Paul's Church for Yr 6s
- Thursday 29th June, 5:30 - 7:30pm: OPEN Evening
- Wednesday 5th July: Transition Day for Year 6s at NLS and Alcester
- Monday 10th July: Move-up morning for Yr 5s. Transition for Yr 6s going to Myton, Trinity & Campion
- Tuesday 11th July: Year 6 Play performance @1:45pm
- Wednesday 12th July: Year 6 Play performance @5:30pm
- Friday 14th July: Year 6s Fun day at Leamington Boat Centre
- Summer Fete after School
- Monday 17th July: Year 5 STEM event
- Thursday 20th July @9:30am: Yr 6 Leaver's Service at St Paul's Church
- Friday 21st July: LAST DAY of summer term
- Friday 21st July: Year 6 Leaver's Party (organised by PTA - Venue TBC)
Summer 2 Timetable
Termly Overview
Summer: This Term We Will be Studying
Our text this term will be:
Shackleton's Journey by William Grill