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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week Ending 24.9.21


This week we have been focusing on finding one more and one less than a number by counting forwards and backwards. We've had lots of fun outside collecting numbers to work this out and jumping forwards and backwards on a number line. We've also been working on our number formation and have learnt a sneaky trick to ensure our numbers are the correct way round using this video...! 



This week we have been continuing our work focused around the book Leaf Man. At the start of the week we used our real life leaf men (and ladies!) to label body parts using our phonics knowledge. We sounded out words such as leg, cheek, ear, hair, hand. Later on in the week we recounted some key events from the story using freeze frames. We're looking forwarded to adding captions to these freeze frames next week!



In P.E. we focused on our skills in standing long jump and javelin. The children had great fun refining their technique using a pull throw so their javelins went further. Some nearly reached where Mrs Corbett was standing thankfully they were only made from foam!



As a class we discussed what we mean by ‘season’ and named the 4 seasons. We identified objects or events that we associate with each season. After that, we talked about the current season, ‘autumn’. We went outside and gathered a selection of leaves which we used to create colourful prints within the classroom. The prints were used to make a colourful autumnal display.
