Week ending 14/10/2022
Art-clay work:
Another week and another pot with Mrs Mottram. This time a coiled pot using different rolling skills.
We've been busy planning a new adventure for Traction Man. We've decided on a setting and a naughty character. Finally, the children drew a story map outlining their story. The children will use their plan to verbally say their sentences before they write. I'm looking forward to Monday to see how our new authors and their stories develop.
Year 1 maths:
This week we've continued with comparing objects and numbers with our new maths symbols as well as tackling reasoning questions.
Finally on Friday, we ordered objects and aimed to write sentences stating which picture had the most and which had the least. An extra challenge was to write a comparison statement. Lots of learning and challenge.
History and Black History Month:
We continued to learn about another significant nurse, Mary Seacole. We talked about what was similar and what was different in Mary's and Florence's lives.
The word "determined" was explained and we felt both nurses were determined to care for others and make a difference. We did think though that Mary Seacole was incredibly determined, as she had to travel across the ocean from Jamaica as well as persuade people that she had a job to do.
Finally, we looked at paintings of Florence Nightingale and discussed how we knew that they were from a long time ago. The children noticed she was wearing a long dress, carried a lamp and wore a hand scarf. We challenged our selves to paint our own pictures of Florence including these features.