Welcome to 2C
Welcome to our 2C class page. Please check our page regularly for any important information regarding our class. Below you will find information including our time table and the subject overview for this half term.
Library books will be change every two weeks. The next change day will be Wednesday 5th February. If your child wishes to keep the book for a little longer, they are welcome to do so.
Reading Books
Whenever possible, please listen to your child read every day. This is the most important 'homework' that you can do with your child and makes an enormous difference to progress in all subjects. Your child will also benefit greatly from being read to on a regular basis. Sharing a book at bed time is a lovely way for both you and your child to spend quality time together.
This half term P.E. lessons will change to a Monday and a Friday. Football will be on a Friday and may be outside, subject to weather conditions. Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for the time of year.
Water bottles
Could I ask that all children have a named water bottle in school every day. Provided that it contains water, they will be allowed to keep this on their desk so that they can drink as often as they wish to. These should be taken home each night to be washed and refilled.
Allergy Advice
This year we have a child with a severe dairy allergy causing anaphylaxis in Key Stage 1.
Please do not be offended if we ask your child to get changed due to spillages of food during the day or if we ask your child to change on arrival at the start of their day.
For this reason, a full change of clothes must always left on your child's peg and remain in school. (This does not have to be school uniform.)
Spring Term 1 Overview
Home Learning Expectations In Year 2
- Reading Daily- You can expect to receive 3 reading books per week. Please do you best to read them all with your child and return them to school to be change on your child's designated day. (Please ask us if you are not sure when this is.)
- Spellings - Your child has a Spelling Shed log on to access their spellings and learn them using the spelling games on the Spelling Shed website. There is an app version of this, but unfortunately there is a charge to download this. The website is totally free. New spellings are set every Tuesday.
- Maths- Please play lots of number games, counting games such as Snakes and Ladders and games using dice. Please also look at the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) listed below. Your child will significantly benefit from reinforcing their learning in school by learning these with you at home.
Maths Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
Below is a link to Year 2 Spring Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). Please work on these at home with your child as often as you can. Rapid recall of these facts will enable your child to feel confident, access their maths in class more quickly and easily and be ready to move on to the next Key Instant Recall facts. The facts for the whole year can be found using the weblink.
Year 2 Spring 1 KIRFS
Year 2 Autumn 2 KIRFS
Developing your child's maths skills.
Below are some links to useful maths websites. I have included games as well as the parent pages of the White Rose website. On the White Rose website you will find examples of the sorts of questions your child will be tackling in school. Please look at the pages relevant to where we are in the school year. For example, at this point in the year we are covering Autumn 1, Place Value.