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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 3

In ENGLISH, the children have worked extremely hard planning and writing diary entries based on Chapter 2 of The Arrival by Shaun Tan as a stimulus.  They are all really enjoying this wordless graphic novel highlighting the journey of immigrants as they look for a better life.  

Enjoy our diary writing...

In MATHS, we are continuing with our fractions work.  This week we have looked at comparing and ordering fraction less than 1 and more than 1.  This involved recalling previous learning about inequality symbols and the meaning of vocabulary such as descending and ascending.  We then went onto adding fractions - firstly, those with the same denominator and then those with different denominators.  Our times table knowledge helped us with this task when finding a common denominator in the first instance.  

Examples of our Science work on Electricity - we have an investigation coming up next week!

We are now using PURPLE MASH for our COMPUTING lessons across the school.  This half term we are looking at Coding.  We are now quite proficient at logging on and signing into our purple mash accounts to find the tasks set.  This week we looked at using REPEAT COMMANDS in order to make our character create a square on our chosen background.  Remember the children have access to Purple Mash at home too using their we learn log in details.  There are lots of great activities for them to discover on there.

Our RE work so far this half term on Incarnation...

We have now begun our PROTECTIVE BEHAVIOURS work across the school.  This a programme designed to help children understand their rights and responsibilities and keep themselves safe.   In Year 5, we looked at the rights of children this week along with discussing feelings and emotions.  The overriding message was We All Have a Right to Feel Safe All of the Time.
