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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week Ending 18th June


The chicks have been busy growing! They are big enough now for the children to hold. Before holding the chicks, we discussed some rules to keep the chicks and the children safe. The children have also been creating this week - they've been painting some pictures of the chicks and moulding clay to make chicks and when these are ready, they are going to paint them! 

Sports Day!

Thank you to all the parents for coming and supporting the children for their sports day! A special thank you to Mr Barnes for all the hard work organising the games and practising with the children. We all had a fantastic time and the children really enjoyed their ice pops after!


The children have been practising their numbers bonds this week, with particular focus on numbers bonds to 5 and 10. Some of the children challenged themselves to write the number sums down. To support the children with this, we used 5s frames, 10s frames and cubes to find which two numbers added together make 5 and 10. 
