Week 1
Friday 6th September
It has been fantastic to see the children back in school this week and I have been so impressed with their enthusiasm and hard work! The Year 5s have transitioned very smoothly into Upper Juniors, as have I! This week we have been doing the following...
English - Along with the rest of the school we have been looking at The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright. The children have loved listening to the story and have been using the text to work on our use of figurative language.
Maths - We have been investigating number patterns. The children have been looking at number squares and working out what different shapes may represent e.g. prime numbers or multiples of certain numbers.
Afternoon subjects - We have spent time drawing our own self-portraits, beginning to look at our new RE curriculum and have also been making some models using plasticine.
Star of the Week - This week Josh has been chosen as star of the week for a great start to the year showing enthusiasm in all lessons by sharing his ideas. Well done Josh.