Week ending 10.03.23
This week we had our first computing lesson! We looked at online safety and discussed what information needs to be kept private and what information can be shared. We worked in table groups to sort the cards into the correct categories, and learnt that our address and what school we go to needs to be kept a secret. We then labelled the parts of a computer and the qwerty keyboard.
We watched a video clip which retold the Easter story. We then worked in pairs to sequence the cards and stick them in the correct order. Some of us challenged ourselves by adding speech bubbles, and thinking about what the characters would say at each moment.
We learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and recognised that a butterfly lays an egg on a leaf. Eventually a caterpillar is formed and it eats the leaf it was born on. The caterpillar continues to eat until it grows bigger and makes a chrysalis. It will undergo ‘metamorphosis’ and after 2 weeks a butterfly emerges. The butterfly will take several hours to dry, and will then be able to fly away and look for food. We created a life cycle of a butterfly using paper plates.
We used the adjectives from last week to write a paragraph using descriptive language. We described Antarctica using expanded noun phrases. The following lesson, we listened to the story, ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ and found out interesting facts about how a penguin is born. We found out that the female penguin lays the egg and returns to sea. Whereas the male penguin keeps the egg warm for 2 months. Once the egg hatches, the male penguin is able to feed the chick using a ‘milky’ liquid that comes from a pouch in his throat. We watched a video clip which gave us more facts about the characteristics of a penguin, and recorded our facts on post-it-notes. For the last lesson, we used our background knowledge of penguins to write the life cycle of a penguin.
We subtracted ones by using tens frames and counters. We built on the knowledge that 5 – 2 = 3, and a ten is added to calculate 15 – 2 = 13.
This week we worked in groups to create letters of the alphabet using our bodies. We then went on to do some orienteering in pairs. One person held a map of the hall which contained shapes (made from cones). We chose a point on the map and our partner had to place the beanbag on the correct position. This allowed us to practice using a simple map.