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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week Ending 28th May

Prayer Week

At the start of the week we received a gift from St. Paul’s Church  it was a holding cross, two bibles a prayer dice and a candle.  We set up our new Prayer Station and talked about how a prayer is a way of talking to God. 

on Monday afternoon we went on a Prayer Walk in school and spotted lots of things we were thankful for. 


On Tuesday we went to church and took part in lots of prayer station activities’ finding out how to pray.

We thought about praying for people who were sick (plasters), playing for people around the world (map), being calm and gentle ( like God) and praying for friends and families ( drawings). We also made things we were thankful for out of play dough, drew things in the sand that we were sorry for and raked it away as God forgives.

On Wednesday we wrote thank you prayers and added them to the tree in the prayer area.The children are now able to return to this activity whenever they wish  

We finished the week by beginning our R. E unit , Where do we belong?
We talked about how  Christians believe God knows everyone by name and we explored our school vision.
