Autumn 1
This week the Value Award goes to...
Headteacher’s Award🥇
We have been impressed with how well the class have settled in this term! They have taken the new routines in their stride and have been working extremely hard in all lessons. Well done 5/6C!
This term we are basing our English lessons on The Executioner’s Daughter. It is a great text and the children are really enjoying it already! We have read to chapter 5 and the children have used figurative language to write a chapter based on their predictions.
We read and reflected on the bible story Genesis 1-2. Children created wonderful Creation story wheels.
As part of our light unit the children investigated how a prism can change a ray of light to show a spectrum of colour. We used our knowledge of refraction from last weeks learning to help us position the card to enable us to capture the 'Spectacular Spectrum' successfully!
Wonderful Art Work
Today we began our dance unit in PE. The children had great fun learning Disco dance moves such as ‘Sprinkle’, ‘The Lawn Mower’ and ‘The Star’! The enthusiasm was fantastic and we were impressed with the routines that the children practised and performed. Next week we look forward to welcoming specialist dance instructors from Invisible Threads to run street dance workshops with the class.
English - Week 1-3