Week ending 21.4.2023
Year 1 were incredibly excited today as we started our unit on Computing, whilst Year 2 are at FOrest School. We learnt about how to keep safe online and what information we should not share. We then logged into our laptops to familiarise ourselves with using a mouse and clicking on icons on the program " Splosh". The children helped and supported each other in finding out what worked and what didn't.
English: Rapunzel
We have started retelling the traditional tale of Rapunzel. We are enjoying looking at lots of fairy/traditional tales and looking at what they have in common. Thank you for bringing in lots of books for us to read.
We have been consolidating our place value knowledge and honing our skills in partitioning 2 digit numbers in different ways. The seek started with lots of practical with Base 10 and numicon. Lots of children keen to challenge themselves. Great to be part of.