week ending: 19.5.23
Our very own Superhero: Neive
As many of you may know Neive has been absent from school for half of Year One. Whilst her friends were learning new skills in Year One and playing together on the playground at lunchtimes, Neive spent most of her Autumn Term in Birmingham Children's Hospital having chemotherapy.
After Christmas Neive moved to Manchester where she then received Proton Beam therapy. During this time Neive(and her Mummy) showed incredible bravery. Neive had to wear a special mask to protect her face during the Proton Beam therapy and also had to have a general anaesthetic every day for 6 weeks.
Although the treatment was effective and it has been an absolute joy to have Neive back in school, there were some side effects. Neive has worn a beautiful sparkly baseball cap for most of the Summer Term to hide the fact that she lost her hair.
However, now that the weather is warmer, Neive has decided that she wants to leave the hat at home. It can be hot and a little bit itchy and Neive wants her friends to know that her hair is growing back.
This week Neive and her Mummy asked Mrs Young if we could talk to the children and explain what happened-just so they understood why her hair had disappeared.
Well. it was an absolute pleasure. Neive and Ada entered the classroom with superhero cloaks and showed the class the mask Neive had to wear. The children listened beautifully and with such kindness. They all applauded Neive and asked lots of caring, thoughtful questions.
All the grown ups had tears in their eyes!
Ada modelled the mask Neive wore and the class admired the beautiful butterflies and decorations painted and attached by an artist friend of Neive's Mummy. The children all agreed that Neive was a superhero and that she was super brave.
I was so proud of the class and Neive. Neive has kept her hat off in school ever since and the class have showered her with kindness.
Just wonderful.
Many, many thanks for Neive's Mummy for letting us share her story and to you all for raising such incredible, kind humans.
Neive is running race for life on June 17th so if you would like to support her Ithe details are on the school newsletter.