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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Welcome to 5/6B 
Summer 2, 2024



Mr Atkin:

Phase TAs: Mrs Wellicome and Mrs Wells 



Wednesday- come to school dressed in PE Kit

Friday- come to school dressed in PE Kit



  • Spellings - spelling will be taught in school every day. A selection of spelling words will be sent home on a Monday in your child's spelling journal. Please ensure your child writes an engaging, well-punctuated sentence for each word AND that the target word is spelt correctly. To be returned to school by Thursday
  • Mathletics – three tasks will be set on a Wednesday for children to complete by the following Wednesday. These will aid in consolidating work we have done in class.  
  • Times Tables Rock Stars - encourage children to login and regularly practise their times tables.  Little and often is the best way to develop automatic recall of these facts.
  • Reading - encourage children to read daily (to you if possible).  This is vital to ensure continued fluency in word reading and comprehension as their books become increasingly challenging.  


Please feel free to contact me via the email address above where I will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have. 


Monday 3rd June - Year 6 Exploitation Session 1 

Tuesday 4th June - Year 6 Exploitation Session 2

Thursday 6th June - Area Athletics at Edmonscote 

Friday 7th June - Day of the African Child

Thursday 13th June -  (ALL Yr 5/6 wear PE kit) Leicester Tigers to deliver a tag rugby lesson

Tuesday 18th June - Year 6 Health Talk

Tuesday 25th June - Year 6 Health Talk

Wednesday 26th June - Year 5 Eco Workshop at North Leamington School

Friday 28th June - KS2 Sports Morning (Change of date)

Friday 28th June - (PM) Yr 6: 'It's your move' visit to St Paul's Church 

Saturday 6th July - PTA Summer Fair

Monday 8th July - Year 6 Production (Evening)

Tuesday 9th July - Year 6 Production (Afternoon) & SATs Results 

Wednesday 10th July - Transition day

Wednesday 10th July - Open Evening

Friday 12th July - Year 6 Leam Boat Centre Trip

Thursday 18th July - Year 6 Leavers' Service


RECOMMENDED READS - how many will you enjoy?

I am delighted to announce that, following presentations and voting, the 5/6B class team have chosen

Amelia as Collective Worship Leader 
Evie as School Council Representative

for the 2023/2024 academic year


Congratulations to them both and well done to all those who nominated themselves and made presentations.
