Week 4 w/c 26.06.23
This week has been a mix of transition activities (not just for the children!) and welcoming visitors to St Paul's. Here's a summary of our activities for you to enjoy and discuss more at home.
Dee and Zoe from the Leamington Library joined us on Tuesday morning to present this year's Summer Reading Challenge to the whole school - Ready, Set, Read! Further details will be in the newsletter and each child will bring home a book mark with all the details on it. A summer full of books and great FREE activities all run from our local libraries - what fun!
On Thursday, our whole Year 5 cohort enjoyed a transition morning at North Leamington School led by some past St Paul's pupils who are now in Years 7 and 8. We had a great time exploring their allotment space whilst taking part in a scavenger hunt, bean planting and hedgehog house building. It was also a perfect time to catch up, chat and ask questions about the move to secondary school. The children also enjoyed the lifts to and from St Paul's in the NLS mini buses and the sun shone all morning!
Don't forget to look out for the secondary school open evenings early in the new academic year.
Thursday was also a transition day of sorts - for our class butterflies ! They arrived as tiny caterpillars in a jar on 12th June and we have watched with interest as they have progressed through their life cycle until we released them as adult butterflies after lunchtime in the warmth of the afternoon sun. We have also enjoyed watching the life cycle of frogs this year- thank you Mrs Williams for bringing some spawn in from her pond.
On Friday, we welcomed Riva Arthurs (Theodore's mum) to the phase. She very kindly gave up her time to come and talk to us about her job role which links in to what the children have been studying in Art this half term; repeating patterns and print making. Riva is a keen (and accomplished) artist who studied illustration at university - she has even published a picture book! Today, she works for a clothing company designing their material prints. She gave a fabulous presentation about what her work involves alongside lots of examples showing each stage of the process the children could admire and pass round. We also invited Mrs Lord along as she is an avid customer of this brand and can often be seen wearing Riva's prints!