Breakfast Club and After School Care Club
As part of its commitment to serving the community, St Paul's School offers a Breakfast Club and After School Care Club.
The school breakfast club provides child care and a healthy breakfast for our children.
We open from 7.30am every day during term time. Children will make their way to their classroom when their school day starts, younger children will be accompanied by a member of staff to ensure their safe arrival.
After school care is provided from the end of your child's school day until 5.30pm Monday-Thursday. We do not run after school care on a Friday so children should be collected as normal at the end of the school day. The club will provide snacks and activities for every child. Our aim is to ensure that pupils get a relaxed and happy ending to a school day.
In order for your child to receive a place, you must contact the school office with your chosen days and specify if you require am or pm slots. We kindly ask that you inform the school office or staff running the before and after school club if you wish to change your child's time and day or if your child will not be attending to avoid any confusion. here are however a few limited places that may be available for emergency child care on a more adhoc basis depending on the numbers of pre-booked places on the day required.
Breakfast Club team :- Miss Mancini, Mrs Patel & Mrs Randall
After School Care Club team :- Miss Mancini, Mrs Patel and Mrs Randall.
To contact a member of staff from the After school Club:
01926 425361
(calls taken from 3.10pm - 5.30pm)
This number only applies for those children (parents) currently at the After School Club only. Please call this number if you think you may be late to collect you child (not the school office). NB a charge will be applied if lateness occurs, as previously advised.
When dropping off or collecting your child, you can alert a member of staff by ringing the bell which is situated in the main entrance on the right hand side of the internal door.
For further details about the club please contact the school office:
Telephone number:
01926 425361
Email address:
Also find the Breakfast Club Policy and After School Care Club Policy in the Key information under policies.