Week 1 w/c 02.01.23
Welcome to 2023!
It was great to have the children back in the classroom after the Christmas break this week. They have all settled back well and seem to be looking forward to the term ahead! We have been following up our Protective Behaviours sessions with some work on the importance of having a Growth Mindset and how that affects our learning. The children really impressed me with their reflective stance and thoughtful contributions and subsequently their work was brilliant. Please do ask them what they have learnt from these sessions - I am sure they will love to tell you all about it! We have used their work to create a display in the corridor so that everyone can see the importance of growing their learning. We hope you enjoy the pictures below...

In ENGLISH, we have begun to immerse ourselves into "Who Let The Gods Out" by Maz Evans, our focus text for this half term. We have made predictions from the front cover and blurb and have practiced the skill of summarising after reading the 1st two chapters. Everyone is engaged, full of questions... and ready to see what Chapter 3 holds on Monday !
Prime and square numbers have been the Year 5 focus in MATHS this week. This has meant recapping our previous learning about multiples and factors and, of course, using our knowledge of times tables is crucial in helping us in this area of maths. We are looking forward to challenging ourselves with cubed numbers next week.