Week ending 13.1.2023
DT: Food Preparation
We have now finished our DT unit on food preparation by making pizzas!
The children have been measuring ingredients, working as a team and honing their vegetable cutting techniques. They use the bridge and claw method of cutting. A full on, happy morning was had by all.
DT: Sliders and Levers:
With Mrs Mottram, the children have been introduced to their new unit of work. This week they explored how to make a sliding mechanism for a card.
Maths: Shape
We enjoyed finding lines of symmetry by folding 2D shapes. Like much in maths, we all needed to concentrate and check carefully our results.
Fire Safety Workshop
The Warwickshire Fire Service visited St Paul’s and carried out a workshop with the Key Stage 1 pupils. They explained what their role is and the importance of Fire Safety. We looked at some scenarios around the causes of fires and discussed what is safe and what is unsafe. We watched an animated video which explained what to do in the event of a fire and practiced the ‘stop, drop and roll’ fire safety technique. The firemen informed us that all houses should have smoke alarms and these should be tested on a weekly basis.