Week 6 w/c 22.05.23
The final week of Summer Term 1 has been an exciting and busy time as we celebrated
On Monday, whole school collective worship was led by Jonathon, who introduced this special week and handed gifts from Church to each of the class' Collective Worship leaders - we received a candle, a holding cross, a prayer dice and 2 new books for our prayer table. On Tuesday afternoon, 5/6B walked to church in the brilliant sunshine to enjoy a carousel of prayer station activities and a time of reflection and quietness - thank you Lydia! Back in class, we have created a new prayer book with our individual prayers and two new prayer station activities; prayer envelopes and lollipop prayers - one activity to pray for ourselves and the other to pray for someone else. We ended the half term with a 5/6 rounders competition in our house teams! What a fantastic week for us all to enjoy! We were even blessed with super weather for the entire time. I hope that parents and carers also enjoyed the chance to visit our classroom and that everyone enjoys the half term break.
Our class prayer table and prayer activities...

Reflecting on our visit to Church...