Week ending 23/9/2022
We have started our new text, "Traction Man is Here" by Mini Grey. To start with, we only looked at two pages. Could we predict what the story may be about from the pictures? What could we infer about the story from the pictures?
Later having read part of the book, we inferred further. What do we think Traction Man is like as a person? What is his personality like? Is her kind, brave or happy? Why did we think this? It feels like we are detectives, looking for clues in stories to help us understand more about the characters and the plot..
I'm encouraging sentence writing using capital letters to start and full stops at the end as well as independent spelling using their phonics knowledge.
Year 1 have been representing numbers by drawing numbers, writing the word and digit and then using counters to show the number. So many ways to show a number. Linking the digit to different representations may seem obvious to adults, but is a fundamental starting point in children's maths learning journeys.
Vision Week:
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me’.
We are all equally important, listened to and loved by God.
I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with so many of you on Friday afternoon. This week we have been embedding our school vision. As a class we talk a lot about how unique and different we all are and how everyone is welcome. Our school vision underlines this important idea.