Spring 2
RE: What makes some places sacred?
We completed our RE unit ( from before Xmas) on what makes some places sacred by visiting St Paul's Church for a scavenger hunt. Thank you to Katy for leading the session and for introducing and showing us the font, pulpit, crosses, stained glass and explaining how the wooden roof is a reminder to fishing boats and the reason for the removal of the pews.
DT: Puppet making using sewing skills.
Everyone loved designing and making their puppets. The children used an over and under stitch.
World Book Day
What a fabulous day! We all enjoyed sharing our books with each other and with other classes and children. We performed " My cat likes to hide in boxes" to 5/6 C and shared our books with the children in 5/6C.
St David's Day:
We challenged ourselves to draw daffodils following a video which included quite a bit of detail. Everyone persevered; it was not easy. Well done everyone! Results to follow. Video below.