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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Autumn 2

We've had a busy half term cumulating with an amazing nativity production of "The angel who nearly missed it all". We are all  so proud of absolutely everyone in KS1, Sometimes during rehearsals, I do think, is all this worth it? Could I be using this rehearsal time in other ways? But every time, after the performances I remind myself how important these opportunities are to children.

Children develop their speaking and listening skills; they learn lines and songs off by heart; they learn dances; they learn how to perform to an audience; they learn how to conquer nerves; they learn how to perform and dress in a role they may not have chosen; they learn how to work as a team; they develop patience skills during rehearsals ( I hasten to add some need to still work at this!!); they learn the importance of everyone playing their part to make a successful end result; they learn to support each other when they are finding things difficult.

Finally after each performance they have that fantastic feeling that they've done something amazing and they are appreciated.  They learn that with hard work, rewards will come.

Yes it is all worth it.

DT: Cooking with Year 1- Sensational Salads.

Whilst Year 2 were at Forest School, Year 1 have enjoyed learning about healthy eating and root vegetables. They enjoyed taste testing of potato salad, coleslaw and beetroot salad and used knife skills to prepare vegetables for a couscous salad.

Please enjoy a few other photos from this half term. They include PE, RE (Places of worship- synagogue) English exploring our thoughts of our book "Lila and the Secret of Rain" and developing addition skills in maths using Base 10 resources.
