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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 3 w/c 16.01.23

During the Spring term, 5/6B are having the opportunity to experience some Forest School sessions.  We have split into 2 groups and whilst the Year 6s are outside, the Year 5s are enjoying a DT Food Unit. 


We are recapping our learning about the Eatwell plate and how to be safe when handling food.   We have looked at labelling, in particular the nutrients foods contain and we are thinking about what constitutes a salad.  This week, we made a variety of salads for each other to taste including potato salad, pleasing pasta, royal rice and vegetable couscous. 


The children had a great afternoon and the bowls were completely empty at the end - their salads were a huge success!  

In PE, Mr Barnes is covering Netball skills on a Tuesday afternoon and on Friday's the class have been improving their gymnastic skills.  We have enjoyed practising start and end positions, balancing, shapes, partner work, jumps and rolls.  This week we worked in pairs to choreograph a routine using a mapping board to velcro the various moves to in the 1st instance.  Then we had time to practice and perform our routines for each other. 
