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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 3

Week 3! The time is flying. A special mention to year 6 who have shown a great attitude last week when doing their mock SATs. We asked for them just to give it their best shot and they more than did that. A reminder for parents that SATs week starts on Monday 13th May. 


In 5/6C it has been another busy week (photos to come soon, I promise). In English the children have written an interview with a character from The Water Tower, Spike. Mrs Young was really impressed with the quality of writing on display and it now sits proudly on our English working wall. In maths we have been looking at a new area, position and direction. The children have been working with coordinates and also translating shapes. On Tuesday it was St George's day so the children got to work on some art work inspired by the man himself. Our very own Manav and Ariella also led collective worship to the whole school and were amazing. Year 6 have been enjoying forest school with Miss Berte and are coming back with various things that they have carved from branches. Year 5 experimented making different types of circuits with some impressive results. In RE the children have enjoyed our topic for this term, The Kingdom of God, this week looking at the importance of forgiveness. 


A reminder that next week the school is closed as a mark of respect for Miss Reading who sadly passed away recently. Staff will be attending the funeral and information has been sent out by Mr Bown for families who wish to pay their respects. 


Tuesday's tune this week is a cover of a Billie Eilish song by my favourite by The Gaslight Anthem. Enjoy. 




Mr H

The Gaslight Anthem - Ocean Eyes
