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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Autumn 2

English - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl


Religious Education - What do different people believe about God?

We looked closely at sacred texts and think about how they are important for understanding what people believe and how they live. ​

When we look at a text, we might understand it differently to other people depending on what we know and what we have experienced (our world views)​

We ask questions about what we read and can discuss its meaning.​

We think about who wrote sacred texts and why they were written.​

We think about when the sacred texts might have been written.

This half term we have explored Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. We have asked and answered a range of questions based on our own beliefs and that of others. We have listened to each others views and, at times, respectfully challenged these to deepen our own understanding.

We have learnt about the similarities and differences about God across these religions which in turn provoked detailed discussion within our classroom.

At the end of our lessons, we took time to be silent and reflect on our learning. Some of the children chose to share their reflections - they were calm and thought provoking moments within a busy week.


Science - States of Matter


Art - Quentin Blake


Geography - Bean to Bar

This half term years 3 and 4 have used maps, atlases and globes to locate countries around the world.

Key questions:

Explain why these countries are able to grow cocoa trees?

What is it about the geography of these countries that allows cocoa beans to grow? 

How do you think people discovered chocolate from the cocoa bean?

We have researched how chocolate is made and saw examples of this when visiting Cadbury World.


A great game of ‘Not so Happy Families’ was played in groups. This highlighted how the money paid for a chocolate was not evenly distributed amongst all those that played a part in the process. Needless to say, the children were outraged and were extremely keen to learn about Fair Trade and how we can play an important part in this when purchasing food from the supermarket.


Protective Behaviours


On the school webpage, please go to 'Curriculum' then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Protective Behaviours' link to learn more.
