Week ending 19.5.2023
RE: How do Christians show their love of God.
We thought of many ways that Christians show their love of God. One way being to sing praising songs. One of our favourites is "My Lighthouse" . We liked the words "You are the peace in my troubled sea". We enjoyed making lighthouse collages... and singing.
Maths: Fractions
Whilst Year 2 were working with Mrs Newbold, Year 1 completed some fabulous fractions work with Mr Barnes. A mix of PE and maths. Great combination.
English: Poetry with alliteration ( a new, long word to start the week...)
We are in the middles of writing our own version of a poem called " Story Stew" which is full of fairy tale references and alliteration. We've had fun making up and writing sentences using alliteration, or should I say " we've had fun finding super sentences to write in our wonderful books! See what I did there?