Autumn 1
RE - Religious Education
Creation and Fall
This half term we have been learning about ‘Creation and Fall’. The question we wanted to explore was: What do Christians learn from the creation story?
We listened to Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World’ and took time to discuss the lyrics and listen to each other’s thoughts. Children responded to the song and the creation story from Genesis 1:1 – 25 through illustrations.
Using the school frieze (seen in the pictures above) we discussed, as a class, our observations. The responses from the children were amazing – a fantastic lesson!
We had fun setting up a maze and guiding our class mates through the obstacles whilst blindfolded. This relied on a lot of trust and respect from one another. When we returned to the classroom, we drew comparisons between the activity and how Christians let their Creator be their guide through life.
In Our Hands
Lucy Farfoot
During the first two weeks back after Summer, we focused on the story 'In Our Hands.' We explored the main character and theme through discussion, drawing and painting, drama and writing. The children created alternative endings and stories in response and it was lovely to hear their ideas on how we could all work together on how to make our world a better place.
Stone Age Boy
Satoshi Kitamura
We began our study of this book through discussion, music and dance. The class were brilliant at dancing and acting out the activities of Stone Age people which included cave painting, farming, hunting, making weapons, discovering fire and inventing the wheel. In our writing, we focused on using powerful description, expanded noun phrases, good choice of words for effect and paragraphing. The resulting stories were wonderful!
Children in Year 3 have been learning to:
Represent, partition and compare numbers to 100 and 1000
Hundreds, tens and ones and finding 1, 10 or 100 more or less
Counting in 50s
Adding and subtracting 10s and 100s
Adding 1s across 10 and 10s across 100
Subtracting 1s across 10s across 100
Adding using the column method
Rock and Soil
In our Rocks and Soils unit, we have been exploring the school site for different types of rock. We learnt the names of a variety of different rocks and looked more closely at how they are formed. The children loved learning about Mary Anning and sharing their personal experiences of fossil hunting. Some of the fossils they had found personally were amazing to see! Towards the end of the topic, we carried out an experiment to test the hardness of different rocks and we also created our own soil profile using school soil, water and a jam jar.
The Stone Age
DT - Design Technology
Designing a balanced healthy pizza
This term in DT we have been designing and making our own healthy pizzas. We learned all about the balance plate and how different ingredients belong to different food groups. The pizzas that we made were absolutely delicious!