Class 2C
Welcome to 2C
Class Teachers: Mrs Clarke (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Johns (Thur-Fri)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Powell (Mon) and Mrs Mottram (Tues-Fri)
Kings and Queens of 2C!
Our Coronation Parade
Summer 2 PE:
PE will be on Monday and Friday. Children can come to school in their PE kits.
Monday will be Cricket and Friday will be Netball.
Book Bags:
Each child has been given an individual day to return their book bags. They will be changed and returned on the same day, please ask if you need to check which day your child should return their books. We are grateful for parental comments in your child's reading diaries.
Children can log into Spelling Shed to practise their spellings and play the games. Alternatively they can also use the paper copies of the spellings and do look, cover, write, check to practise their spellings daily.
We hope the children enjoy the short tasks. If there are any problems please let us know.
Curriculum Map Summer 2:
Class Pages: