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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 4

As we come to the end of week 4 it feels like we are entering the final stretch and with things like year 6 play rehearsal, Open Evening, Sports Day and reports and class lists going out it does feel like the end of term is in sight. We still have lots of exciting things to come and lots to fit in in the final 2 and a bit weeks. 


This week in English the children have been using their learning from last week in English, shared reading and history to plan and write diary entries from the perspective of an evacuee. We were looking for the children to write emotive diary entries filled with description, time connectives and clear chronology and they more than delivered! To see how much the children have developed since the last time we wrote diary entries has been excellent! In maths this week the children have been revisiting multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and then took this knowledge when exploring percentages. In science we looked at the work of Charles Darwin and his 'Theory of Evolution'. In history this week the children looked at the causes and consequences of rationing. As mentioned in previous weeks the children are working on historical skills which are quite advanced for their age group and it is very impressive to see. In RE we have continued to examine Jesus' teaching based on the Kingdom of God. 


This weeks song is from a band that many will not have heard of but are well worth a listen to. The video, shot in 2009, provides a glimpse at the fashion sense of a 23-year-old Mr Hawkins who was a huge fan of this group. It is Elliot Minor with the song Solaris. 




The 5/6B Team

Elliot Minor - Solaris Music Video
