Welcome to 5/6A
Autumn 1 2024
Mrs Williams: williams.j2@welearn365.com (Mon-Wed)
Mrs Crow: crow.r@welearn365.com (Thurs - Fri)
Mrs Wellicome (Mon-Friday)
PE DAYS: Come to school dressed in PE kit
Wednesday- Tag Rugby with Mr Barnes
Friday- Dance with Mrs Crow
Home Learning:
- Spellings - spelling will be taught in school weekly. Ten spelling words will be sent home on a Monday in your child's spelling journal. Please ensure your child writes an engaging, well-punctuated sentence for 5 of the words. The spelling journal is to be returned to school by the following Thursday. Children will be tested on all 10 spellings on the Friday.
- Reading - encourage children to read daily. Try to find time to share a book with your child each week.
- Mathletics – three tasks will be set on a Wednesday based on the previous week’s learning. Tasks to be completed by the following Tuesday.
- Times Tables Rockstars - encourage children to login and regularly practise their times tables.
Please feel free to contact us via the email addresses above where we will be happy to answer any questions or queries that you may have.
Please copy both of us into any emails.
Forest School
Group 1 of 5/6A will be taking part in Forest School sessions on the afternoon of the following dates:
- Tues 10th Sept
- Tues 17th Sept - NO Forest school as we have a trip to St Paul's Church
- Tues 24th Sept
- Tues 1st Oct
- Tues 8th Oct
- Tues 15th Oct - NO forest school as we have a trip to the National Space Centre
- Tues 22nd Oct
These sessions take place whatever the weather, so it is really important that your child comes into school wearing clothes according to the weather on that day, lightweight, long trousers and sleeves are best to avoid irritation from plants and insects, as the whole of Forest School is a no mow area. Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes in school on Forest School days as they often get very muddy and wet – even with the waterproofs and wellies we provide!
Your child will need a pair of wellies, but we kindly ask that children do not come into school wearing them, to come to school wearing a pair of trainers/PE pumps will be ideal.
Textiles Project
Whilst the children are at Forest School, the remainder of the class will be working on their Textiles project. They are going to design and sew a functional accessory - pencil case, glasses case, bag etc.
One of the aims of the project is to be as environmentally friendly as possible so we aim to use unwanted clothing and fabric as the material for our project.
If you have any unwanted clothing (shirts, t-shirts) or fabric which you think would be suitable (needs to be able to be hand sewn), then please send it into class.
Dates for the Diary
- 2nd Sept: Teacher Training Day
- Tues 3rd Sept: First Day back
- W/C 16th Sept: St Paul’s Vision Week, Parents see work on Fri 20th Sept at 3:30pm
- Tuesday 17th September: 5/6 trip to St Paul's Church
- Thursday 19th September: Maths and English workshop
- KS1 (years 1 and 2) – 9am – 10:15am
- KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5, and6) 2pm – 3:10pm
- Fri 27th Sept: McMillian Coffee Afternoon
- Thurs 3rd Oct: Flu Immunisations (Rec – Yr6)
- Tues 15th Oct: Trip to the National Space Centre
- Mon 21st Oct: Individual School Photos
- Parents’ Evening:
- Wednesday 23rd October
- Thursday 24th October
- Thursday 24th October: Church Harvest Festival
- 25th October: Teacher Training Day
- HALF TERM – 28th Oct – 1st Nov