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Week 4

Friday 27th September 2024




We have now reached the half way point in the term and the children have continued to work well, helped by some really good teamwork that is starting to develop in the class.


English - This has been our last week where our work has been inspired by Night of the Gargoyles. The children have written some fantastic narrative poems which were filled with beautiful figurative language and really encapsulated the themes of the original poem. Some children particularly enjoyed being given the opportunity to perform their poems. 


Maths - Both maths groups have been working hard this week. The year 6 pupils have spent time looking at factors and applying their knowledge to other areas of maths. The year 5 children with have been looking at place value, ordering and comparing numbers. 


Afternoon subjects - In science the children enjoyed learning about the planets of the solar system and then compiling their own fact file about a planet. They enjoyed learning the Planet Song to help them remember information about them.  In history we looked at the work of archaeologists and what we can learn about the Iron Age based on archaeological discoveries. In computing we began to look at basic coding and how coding and programming forms a part of everyday life. RE we asked the question 'Why are we still reading ancient stories' which prompted some great discussions in class.

In our Thursday PE session we took part in the first of 2 dance workshops on the theme of "Space" with Hannah from Invisible Threads.  


Star of the Week - Well done to Martha who was star of the week this week. Martha shows all our school values but this week particularly she shared some insightful and confident ideas in RE.
