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‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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W/E 01/10/21

Each Friday in MATHS, we are focusing on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  This will then lead onto the times table and division facts.  We will solve problems within our times table knowledge before moving onto those facts outside of known knowledge and how these might be solved.  This is an important part of the Year 2 curriculum with 2s, 5s and 10s running through other areas of maths such as measuring.

In ENGLISH, we have written a continuation of Leaf Man's journey with a focus on using the repeated phrase from the book, time connectives, noun phrases and expanded noun phrases.  Next week, we will move onto a POETRY focus, linking in with both our book and our Science work and the season of Autumn.  

In SCIENCE this half term we are learning about SEASONAL CHANGES.  To begin with we observed the weather, describing it using words and the various symbols.  We watched an interesting clip about the history of the weather symbols and how they are used.  We then had a go at being meteorologists and in groups made a weather broadcast.  We talked about how to dress appropriately in sunny, cloudy, snowy and rainy weather.  


This week, we have observed and described the weather associated with the seasons - with a focus on Autumn.  We went on the hunt for signs of Autumn and collected fallen leaves to use in our artwork.  We used them for printing using autumnal colours as well as painting some other object and animals associated with the current season.    We will use our art works to create a class display.

Hard at work in SCIENCE...

In RE, we used the drama technique of FREZZE FRAMES to recap and deepen our understanding of the Creation Story...

As well as enjoying TAG RUGBY with Mr Barnes on a Tuesday, 2C are also continuing with our playground athletics - inside this week due to the weather!  High jump and replays were enjoyed by all smiley
