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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 4

No snow this week and a welcome return of a bit of sunshine. It has been another busy week with lots going on in 5/6C. We have even begun to debate whether or not we can mention Christmas yet. Just to slightly dampen the Christmas spirit we did tests this week. The children were fantastic throughout!


English - In English this week the children finished planning their stories and we put together a fantastic piece of shared writing. The children then made a start to their own stories and Mrs Young and I are very excited to see them. 


Maths - Due to this week being a test week we did not have any set maths lessons this week but we did take the opportunity to revise some of our precious learning this term. 


Afternoon subjects - In geography the children finished their country fact files. There were some really interesting ones on display (see some examples below). In protective behaviours the year 6 children discussed the importance of having a support network. In science we conducted a simple experiment involving testing the impact of increasing voltage on the brightness of a bulb. The children had another exciting handball session and it has been great to see their skills develop. We also did something slightly different this week with our resident thespian, Mr Turner, leading the children in a drama session. 


Values award - Kolby received this week's values award for showing the value of challenging, we have been so impressed with all that he has done!
