Week 3
With the surprise weather on Tuesday it is beginning to feel like winter has well and truly arrived here at St. Paul's. It was lovely to see the children enjoying the snowy weather (once the health and safety briefing had taken place). Experiences like that are what primary school should be about. Back in the classroom the children have continued their hard work.
English - In English this week we have really been immersing ourselves in our new text, Wolves in the Wall. The children have been looking at the structure of the story and put together a story mountain looking at the opening, build up, problem/climax, resolution and ending. This then allowed the children to put together a plan for their own story inspired by what they had read. We are very excited to see what they come up with.
Maths - This week the year 5 children were working on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. This is normally an area that some children can find difficult but not this group! The year 6 children were working with Mrs Wellicome and were looking at multiplication and division and different strategies for answering questions.
Afternoon subjects - In geography this week we spent ore time using atlases and then the children began to put together fact files about a country of their choice. We looked to include features such as: capital city, population, highest mountain, longest rivers and borders shared. In science the children looked at circuit diagrams, identifying individual parts before drawing their own. In RE the children have continued to consider what their wild view is. In PE the children enjoyed their handball session led by Mr Challis. Finally, Mrs Young has bravely started sewing in DT with the class.
Cross of Nails assembly - As mentioned in this week's newsletter we were joined by Nick Hawkins (my dad) on Friday who led an assembly looking at the cross of nails and the work that he did in the Falklands recovering the cross from HMS Coventry. Afterwards the children were given time to ask questions and 5/6C came up with some great ones!
Values Award - This week James was given the values award for showing the value of thoughtfulness. We have noticed how helpful James is around school, always willing to support others.