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St Paul's CofE Primary School

‘Encouraging and Challenging, Brave and Kind, Thankful and Thoughtful’

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Week 2

It has been a busy week in school with lots of things going on! The children have been fantastic this week and Mrs Young and I have been really impressed with all the work that they have done and the positive attitudes that they have been displaying. 


English - We introduced our new text, Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman, which the children really enjoyed. The graphic novel tells the story of, you guessed it, wolves in the walls of a house. The children made predictions based on the front cover and blurb and then discussed in more detail what they thought of the novel after they had read it.


Maths - This week year 6 took on the dreaded long division with myself and Mrs Young. We also touched on some simple algebra (which the children were fantastic at) before finally looking at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. Year 5 were with Mrs Wellicome and were continuing to work on multiplying and dividing numbers. 


Afternoon subjects - In geography we looked at lines of longitude, latitude and the tropics and the equator. The children located them on a map and learnt about their importance for navigation. In science we started our new topic, Electricity. The children looked at key people(s) in the history of electricity and the discoveries that they made. RE the children continued to look at their world view. 


Feed the Hungry - On Thursday the children had a fantastic opportunity to work with the charity Feed the Hungry. After hearing an assembly about the work that the charity do the children then helped pack meals which will be sent out to Zimbabwe and will feed hundreds of children. 


Values Award - This week Juliana received the values award for showing the value of encouraging. 


Head Teacher's Award - This week Alex received the head teacher's award for his outstanding effort in all aspects of school. 
